Brand Launch Planning

Launch planning is crucial because it sets the stage for a product's introduction in the market, considers multiple market dynamics, mitigates risks, and helps the company achieve its business objectives.  Data insights are the foundation of a strong planning process.

Key’s to a Successful Launch

  • Define the market opportunity – build sales and market share forecasts, assess current competitors and how they perform across multiple geographies

  • Resource Allocation – optimize your territory resources to drive the greatest demand

  • Customer Segmentation – who are your key customers and what are their current needs that your therapy can address

  • Maximize market impact – create a launch plan that generates excitement with potential customers and then measure adoption across a number of key metrics

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
— Benjamin Franklin

Without a comprehensive planning process, your product may struggle to find customers, gain adoption and fail to meet customer expectations.  You only get once chance to launch a product and establish a long-term path for success.

VISU help our clients establish a strong data-driven approach to launch planning with expert consultation on the key data and insights required to achieve success.  Our industry knowledge, along with an advanced insights platform, creates a strong foundation for market research, strategic planning and launch execution with defined metrics and common platform to align your internal stakeholders.